Marksman™ 740 Series Filter Elements product photo Primary L

Marksman™ 740 Series Filter Elements

The Marksman™ 740 Series filter element is a direct retrofit to the industrial 740 format. With the addition of this new format to Pall’s Marksman family of elements, users can now enjoy an even broader range of filter media and grades offered by a single source. The cartridge utilizes an optimized, axial pleat geometry for high-efficiency, low flux (flow per unit area), and exceptional dirt-holding capacity, which yields long on-stream life and low differential pressure. The clear advantage of the Marksman 740 Series filter is broad chemical compatibility and economy of use. The Marksman 740 Series filter is available in two media options.

Media Options

Poly-Fine® XLD Media

Poly-Fine XLD (Extended Life Depth) media is optimized for large cartridge geometry filters. Poly-Fine XLD media is a hybrid media offering the best of depth media performance in a pleated format. Constructed of all polypropylene, it offers wide chemical and service compatibility.

Poly-Fine II Media

Poly-Fine II media is the ideal media for true surface filtration. Poly-Fine II media offers the optimum in a high dirtholding capacity pleated filter geometry. Also constructed of all polypropylene, it presents versatility and broad chemical compatibility.

Innovative Technology

All Marksman Series filters are manufactured in Pall’s ISO 9001 state-of-the-art facilities and contain the most advanced melt-blown media available. Our proprietary processes produce media for the sole-purpose of filtration.

Thorough attention to every detail of the manufacturing process assures a product with unmatched performance:

  • Unsurpassed consistency
  • High void volume1 for high dirt-holding capacity
  • Broad range of chemical compatibility for maximum application utility

1Void volume is defined as that fraction of the media not occupied by media fibers. Pall’s proprietary construction yields a media with over 80% void space, allowing the greatest dirt-holding capacity (DHC), and consequently long filter life, which translates into fewer element change-outs, reduced operator exposure, and lower overall operating costs.

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The Marksman™ 740 Series filter element is a direct retrofit to the industrial 740 format. With the addition of this new format to Pall’s Marksman family of elements, users can now enjoy an even broader range of filter media and grades offered by a single source. The cartridge utilizes an optimized, axial pleat geometry for high-efficiency, low flux (flow per unit area), and exceptional dirt-holding capacity, which yields long on-stream life and low differential pressure. The clear advantage of the Marksman 740 Series filter is broad chemical compatibility and economy of use. The Marksman 740 Series filter is available in two media options.

Media Options

Poly-Fine® XLD Media

Poly-Fine XLD (Extended Life Depth) media is optimized for large cartridge geometry filters. Poly-Fine XLD media is a hybrid media offering the best of depth media performance in a pleated format. Constructed of all polypropylene, it offers wide chemical and service compatibility.

Poly-Fine II Media

Poly-Fine II media is the ideal media for true surface filtration. Poly-Fine II media offers the optimum in a high dirtholding capacity pleated filter geometry. Also constructed of all polypropylene, it presents versatility and broad chemical compatibility.

Innovative Technology

All Marksman Series filters are manufactured in Pall’s ISO 9001 state-of-the-art facilities and contain the most advanced melt-blown media available. Our proprietary processes produce media for the sole-purpose of filtration.

Thorough attention to every detail of the manufacturing process assures a product with unmatched performance:

  • Unsurpassed consistency
  • High void volume1 for high dirt-holding capacity
  • Broad range of chemical compatibility for maximum application utility

1Void volume is defined as that fraction of the media not occupied by media fibers. Pall’s proprietary construction yields a media with over 80% void space, allowing the greatest dirt-holding capacity (DHC), and consequently long filter life, which translates into fewer element change-outs, reduced operator exposure, and lower overall operating costs.

Amines, chemicals, hydrocarbons, water and other fluids handled in the refining, petrochemical, and chemical industries are often contaminated with harmful particles that must be removed. The Marksman 740 Series filter offers a wide range of media for broad compatibility and durability for such service.

Retrofit Configuration

The Marksman 740 Series filter provides an intrinsic 360 degree positive seal utilizing a 226 O-ring, which permits a direct fit into an existing vessel. This filter is also available in a “short” option for other competitive variants of this filter format. For details, please consult your Pall representative.

Performance Specifications

Filter Grades (Liquid service)

PFTM: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70, 90, 150

XLDM: 1.5, 3, 4.5, 10, 20, 30, 70

Maximum Operating Differential Pressure:

3.4 bard (50 psid) @ 79°C (175°F)

Product Specifications

Materials of Construction:

Filter media: Polypropylene
Center core: Tin coated steel
End CAps

Dimensions (nominal):

Outside diameter: 150 mm (6 in)
Inside diameter: 94 mm (3.7 in)
Length: 965mm (38 in)

Particle Removal Ratings1

Media Grade Beta 10 Beta 1000
Poly-Fine II
PFTM 1 1 μm  
PFTM 3 2 μm  
PFTM 5   5 μm
PFTM 10   9 μm
PFTM 20   15 μm
PFTM 40 20 μm  
PFTM 70   70 μm
PFTM 90 57 μm  
PFTM 150   145 μm
Poly-Fine XLD
XLDM 1.5 1 μm  
XLDM 3 3 μm  
XLDM 4.5 4 μm  
XLDM 10 6 μm  
XLDM 20 11 μm  
XLDM 30 17 μm  
XLDM 70 26 μm  
1Removal efficiencies based upon a modified ASTM F795 Dynamic Single Pass Efficiency test.

Typical Flow2

Poly-Fine II Media Grade PSID per 1 GPM (mbard/lpm) - Water @ 68°F (20°C)
PFTM 1 0.010 (0.152)
PFTM 3 0.007 (0.137)
PFTM 5 0.004 (0.078)
PFTM 10 0.002 (0.045)
PFTM 20 0.003 (0.047)
PFTM 40 0.003 (0.051)
PFTM 70 0.002 (0.042)
PFTM 90 0.003 (0.053)
PFTM 150 0.002 (0.042)

Poly-Fine XLD Media Grade PSID per 1 GPM (mbard/lpm) - Water @ 68°F (20°C)
XLDM 1.5 0.009 (0.164)
XLDM 3 0.007 (0.128)
XLDM 4.5 0.004 (0.073)
XLDM 10 0.003 (0.055)
XLDM 20 0.003 (0.055)
XLDM 30 0.003 (0.055)
XLDM 70 0.003 (0.055)

2Pressure drop in PSID per GPM water for a single 38 in (965 mm) element. Multiply this value by the required flow to determine the total aqueous pressure drop. For fluids other than water, multiply differential pressure by viscosity (cP).
Large Format Filters
Chem Intermediate Product (Other), Chem Raw Material - Liquid, Amine/Benfield /Other Solvent loop, Chemicals Raw Material / Gas/Air, Chem Final Product (Liquid)
[] – 740 ◊ (e.g., PFTM 3-740N)
Poly-Fine II Media Code
PFTM 150

Poly-Fine XLD Media Code
XLDM 1.5
XLDM 4.5

O-ring Materials
S Silicone elastomer
N Nitrile
V Fluorocarbon elastomer
Chemicals, Chemicals, Petro Chem, Chemicals, Chemicals

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