ChamberKleen™ Diffusers - NW40/NW50 product photo Primary L

ChamberKleen™ Diffusers - NW40/NW50

ChamberKleen diffusers are ideally suited for vent applications on load lock interfaces or other vacuum chambers where large volumes of gas are flowing in a short amount of time.


  • Reduced turbulent flow during venting of process chambers
  • High differential pressure capability
  • 316L stainless steel housing
  • Filters wide variety of gases
  • Cleanroom manufactured and packaged

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ChamberKleen diffusers are ideally suited for vent applications on load lock interfaces or other vacuum chambers where large volumes of gas are flowing in a short amount of time.


  • Reduced turbulent flow during venting of process chambers
  • High differential pressure capability
  • 316L stainless steel housing
  • Filters wide variety of gases
  • Cleanroom manufactured and packaged
  • 316 L SS filter and housing ≤ 0.51 μm / 20 μin Ra wetted surface finish
  • Fluorocarbon o-ring
Particle Removal Rating
  • ≥ 3 nm
  • Particle contribution above background: particle / (m3 or ft3) ≥ 0.01 μm at 75 slpm
  • 1/4" Gasket seal inlet (VCR1 or compatible)
    I40: NW40 ISO vacuum flange*
    I50: NW50 ISO vacuum flange*
    *Compatible with standard ISO bulkhead clamps
Maximum Vent-Up Cycles
  • 100,000 cycles at maximum differential pressure: 0.7 MPa @ 20°C / 105 psid @ 68°F
Operating Conditions
  • Maximum allowable differential pressure 0.7 MPa @ 20°C / 105 psid @ 68°F
  • Maximum operating temperature: 100°C / 212°F (o-ring limited)
Design Flow Rate
  • 75 slpm

Pressure Drop vs. Gas Flow Rate

Pressure Drop vs. Gas Flow Rate

Pressure vs. Chamber Fill Time

Pressure vs. Chamber Fill Time
Filter Capsules
Process gas filtration



Part Number Description Nominal Diameter (D)
(mm / in.)
Nominal Length (L)
(mm / in.)
CK4000I40H NW40 ISO vacuum flange 55 / 2.16 49 / 1.93
CK4000I50H NW50 ISO vacuum flange 75 / 2.95 49 / 1.93

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