Cylindrical Membralox® Type EC0760/1935 product photo Primary L

Cylindrical Membralox® Type EC0760/1935

Cylindrical Membralox®

Ceramic Membranes

Type EC0760 and EC1935

Cylindrical Membralox ceramic elements feature the same exceptional performance, mechanical and chemical resistance and service life as the well-recognized Membralox product range.

These membrane geometries are intended to be compatible with a wide range of filter suppliers housing designs.

Membralox membranes are the key components of crossflow systems used in numerous food and beverage applications, such as clarification / concentration / purification of fermentation broths,dextrose syrups, fruits juices, dairy products, etc.


These Membralox ceramic elements are asymmetric multi-channel membranes composed of a porous alumina support supporting filtering layers casted on the inner surface of the lumens.

Pall Membralox membranes are made from high purity ceramic oxides in multiple geometries.

All along the manufacturing, a stringent quality control process verifies consistency of membrane characteristics versus precise acceptation criteria to deliver reproducible membrane performances, batch after batch, years after years.

Prior to release, Membralox membranes are 100% bubble point tested to confirm filtration layer and end sealing integrity.

Features Benefits
Highly asymmetric structure with 12 μm average support pore size High permeability for better permeate flux and performances
Support structure based on alpha- Alumina with exceptional purity Wide chemical and pH compatibility (0-14)
Very high support sintering temperature coupled with recrystallization process Exceptional mechanical resistance.
Excellent thermal stability
Proprietary alpha-Alumina endsealing Long term resistance to corrosion.
Permanent protection against product leakage
Sharp pore size distribution Optimum filtration performance and selectivity
Final 100% bubble point testing Filtration layer integrity
Stringent quality control process and procedures with full traceability Reproducibility, Reliability, Durability.
Extremely low failure rate in operation

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Cylindrical Membralox®

Ceramic Membranes

Type EC0760 and EC1935

Cylindrical Membralox ceramic elements feature the same exceptional performance, mechanical and chemical resistance and service life as the well-recognized Membralox product range.

These membrane geometries are intended to be compatible with a wide range of filter suppliers housing designs.

Membralox membranes are the key components of crossflow systems used in numerous food and beverage applications, such as clarification / concentration / purification of fermentation broths,dextrose syrups, fruits juices, dairy products, etc.


These Membralox ceramic elements are asymmetric multi-channel membranes composed of a porous alumina support supporting filtering layers casted on the inner surface of the lumens.

Pall Membralox membranes are made from high purity ceramic oxides in multiple geometries.

All along the manufacturing, a stringent quality control process verifies consistency of membrane characteristics versus precise acceptation criteria to deliver reproducible membrane performances, batch after batch, years after years.

Prior to release, Membralox membranes are 100% bubble point tested to confirm filtration layer and end sealing integrity.

Features Benefits
Highly asymmetric structure with 12 μm average support pore size High permeability for better permeate flux and performances
Support structure based on alpha- Alumina with exceptional purity Wide chemical and pH compatibility (0-14)
Very high support sintering temperature coupled with recrystallization process Exceptional mechanical resistance.
Excellent thermal stability
Proprietary alpha-Alumina endsealing Long term resistance to corrosion.
Permanent protection against product leakage
Sharp pore size distribution Optimum filtration performance and selectivity
Final 100% bubble point testing Filtration layer integrity
Stringent quality control process and procedures with full traceability Reproducibility, Reliability, Durability.
Extremely low failure rate in operation

Materials of construction

Components Description
Support structure High purity α-alumina
Filtering layers
(depending on pore size)
High purity α-alumina and/or zirconia
End sealing High purity α-alumina

Cross section view of Membralox ceramic membrane with 50 nmZ pore size

Technical Information

Multichannel Element Characteristics

  EC1935 EC0760
Channel diameter1 3.5 mm 6.0 mm
Number of Channel 19 7
Filtration surface area 0.25m2(2.6ft2) 0.16m2(1.67ft2)
Length 1178 mm (3.86 ft) 1178 mm (3.86 ft)
1with filtration layer in the lumens

Membrane Characteristics

  Pore Sizes2,3 Membrane Material
Microfiltration 0.8, 0.5, 0.2 μm Alpha-alumina
Ultrafiltration 100, 50 nm Zirconia

The 12 μm pore size ceramic support of Membralox membranes is made of high purity alpha-alumina.

2as measured by Pall proprietary permeametry method
3other pore sizes available on request

Food Contact Compliance

Please refer to the Pall website for a Declaration of Compliance to specific National Legislation and/or Regional Regulatory requirements for food contact use.


    • Manufactured under an ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System
Ceramic Filters
Whole Milk Concentration, CIP Recovery, Lactic Curd Concentration, Mud Removal , Fruit Juice Clarification , Gelatin or Collagen Clarification, Stick Water from Slautherhouse, Fish Processing, Plant Extract/Plant Protein Clarification, Fermentation Broth Clarification

Ordering Information

This information is a guide to the simplified designation structure and possible options.

For availability of specific options, please contact Pall.

Example Part Number: EC1935/1178/100nmZ
(Refer to bold references in the tables below)

Part Number: EC <Code from TABLE 1> /1178/ <Code from TABLE 2>

Table 1:Multichannel Element Type

Code Description
1935 19 channels 3.5 mm
0760 7 channels 6.0 mm

Table 2:Multichannel Pore Size

Code Description
0.8μA Alumina 0.8 μm microfiltration layer
0.5μA Alumina 0.5 μm microfiltration layer
0.2μA Alumina 0.2 μm microfiltration layer
100nmZ Zirconia 100 nm ultrafiltration layer
50nmZ Zirconia 50 nm ultrafiltration layer
Dairy, Dairy, Dairy, Food and Ingredients, Food and Ingredients, Food and Ingredients, Food and Ingredients, Food and Ingredients, Food and Ingredients

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